Friday, November 20, 2009

Munich, part 1

With our bodies rested and our culture quota satisfied for the time being, we decided to take the train southeast to the heartier streets of Munich. Munich is loved by many, and after visiting, I can see why: the beer, the history, the art, the food, the nature, the architecture, the quaint streets of yore enveloped by a bustling modern city. It's all there and we tried to see as much of it as we could. For only spending a couple of days there, I'd say we did a decent job.

We stayed at a very nice hostel with a great lobby and bar. The bunk areas were clean (but the guests were not) and modern. Unfortunately, I don't think either one of us got a minute's sleep in Munich. We had noisy neighbors and it also happened to be Stanley Cup Finals time (in June?); there were plenty of Canadians causing havoc at the bar, which happened to be situated on the floor directly above our bunks. In hindsight, I have no idea why we didn't just join in the revelry if we couldn't sleep.

We started our visit with a giant lunch at Augustiner near the main old square - the Marienplatz. As we were eating, an impromptu Brazilian drumming parade broke out. These kinds of things seemed to happen with daily regularity. We were kind of used to it at this point, but looking back, it's remarkable how the World Cup created such spontaneous celebration.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Heidelberg, part 3

Note: this is apparently the world's largest wine barrel.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Heidelberg, part 2

Heidelberg, part 1

Exhausted after the thrilling 1-1 draw with the eventual champions, we decided to stay an extra day in Mannheim to rest and take a little side trip to the famous, picturesque town of Heidelberg. Architecture, castles, and great views awaited. Oh, and it was hot as hell that day.