Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dusseldorf, part 1

We arrived in Dusseldorf after a short flight from Madrid to Frankfurt and then a train ride from Frankfurt to Dusseldorf. The Dussel is a well-heeled town with a beautiful Altstadt (old town), close to Gelsenkirchen, the site of the USA's first match against the Czech Republic. Gelsenkirchen is an industrial town and didn't look too pleasing during the course of our pre-trip research. Dusseldorf is also the birthplace of Altbier, so there you go.

After exploring the town a little bit, we sat down at the outdoor beer garden of Uerige, one of only three breweries to brew Altbier in the old town. Waiters with trays walked around and offered the beer in small glasses. We watched Mexico pummel Iran 3-1 with a couple of English blokes we met. They hadn't heard of any of our soccer players, but we had all of our teeth.

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